Training of dashi specialists
Dashi Professional is a private qualification given to those who have taken a course and passed an exam.
We train specialists who know dashi and can utilize it in cooking product development and menu development. In addition, we value the local cuisine and food culture of various parts of Japan, and aim to develop human resources who can cherish and spread the local food culture, starting with dashi.
Furthermore, by learning about world cuisine, history, and dashi, we aim to reconfirm the appeal of Japanese food culture and develop human resources who can talk about dashi, food culture, and cooking from any angle.
About qualification
Dashi Professional is the only Dashi certification course in Japan.
If you clear the certification conditions for each grade from grades 1 to 3, you will be recognized as a dashi professional.
It is possible to do activities.
What's new
2024年11月21日 8:23:57
1級取得者限定オンライン特別講座 だしの美味しさのサイエンスとデザイン
味の素(株)Executive Specialist。NPO法人日本料理アカデミー理事。
調理科学者、感覚科学者。京都大学大学院農学研究科博士後期課程修了。専門は、おいしさの科学、プロの調理技術の解明、など。主な著書に『味•香り「こつ」の科学』『おいしさをデザインする』『だしの研究』(以上、柴田書店)、『日本料理大全 だしとうま味、調味料』(NPO法人日本料理アカデミー)、ほか。
2024年4月2日 6:28:07
お待たせいたしました!だしソムリエの入門講座 だしソムリエBASIC講座お申し込みスタート
2023年12月29日 1:50:25
2023年8月2日 3:32:54
□弊社メールアドレス のドメインは弊の現在のドメインではありませんので、ご注意ください。
Becoming a dashi sommelier
Since its establishment in 2011, Dashi Sommelier has produced more than 4,000 Dashi Sommeliers. Not only chefs, but also professionals in the field such as registered dietitians, food industry developers, cooking classes, and others who genuinely love dashi! Many general people also took the course.
Everyone has the same desire to learn how to make delicious, additive-free dashi.
Colleagues who share the same values will quickly open up and become lifelong companions.
Through Dashi Sommelier, we hope that we can continue to learn about Dashi and grow together.
I create and follow various events and communities.
Certified instructor system
After completing Dashi Sommelier Levels 1-3 and passing the Certified Instructor Training Course, you can obtain a certified instructor qualification. If you become a certified instructor, you will be able to hold a Dashi Sommelier Level 3 course yourself. In addition, there are various opportunities for activities such as media and lecture appearances.